Kahoot of the Month

Kahoot of the Month Countdown

Each month we create a Kahoot on a space topic that will be posted on this page. The countdown above shows the time left before the Kahoot begins, and once it is time to play we will post the code for the Kahoot on our website. To play, first make sure that you are registered to our website and enter your username for this website as the 'Nickname' so that we can announce the winners! The top 3 winners of each month will have their names displayed on this page under their corresponding month and topic.

Topic for April 28th 2021: Habitable Moons

Congratulations to the the top 5!

There will be 7 questions on this topic. The questions will be fairly specific on the properties of Europa, Enceladus, and Titan, and comparing the three moons most likely to have evidence of life in the Solar System. Good luck!

Topic for February 16th 2021: February 2021 Mars Missions

Congratulations to the top 3!

There will be 8 questions on this topic. Review the background and goals behind the Emirates Mars Mission, Tianwen-1, and NASA’s Mars 2020 Mission. Good luck!

Topic for January 20th 2021:
Ethics of Space Exploration (within the Solar System)

Congratulations to the top 3!

There will be 8 questions on this topic. Review what space ethics means, the ethics of human travel to Mars (including discovery of life and potentially terraforming Mars), and ethics of asteroid mining within the Solar System. Good luck!

Topic for November 25th 2020: Black Holes

Congratulations to the top 3!
1st Place: ysriv
2nd Place: jessie.larson
3rd Place: Dhweya

There will be 10 questions on this topic. General black hole knowledge, from stellar mass, intermediate mass, and supermassive black holes, to how black holes are formed to Hawking radiation. Good luck!

Topic for October 30th 2020: Life on Venus?

Congratulations to the top 3!
1st Place: calebalexander
2nd Place: Hannah
3rd Place: dd

There will be 15-20 questions on this topic. To prepare, read the latest news about the possibility of life on Venus (phosphine and glycine), look into the research that was conducted that led to this question, and study the history of our knowledge of Venus and how it has evolved. Good luck!